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Apostle A .M. Daniel

Is the founder and director of A billion Soul Crusade Ministry based in Kenya and Kenya Gospel Fund program

Apostle A.M. Daniel hails from western Kenya, but currently lives in Nairobi. He got born again in 1990 when he discovered he was a sinner who needed salvation found in Jesus Christ.

The 1990 call

In 1990 he found himself in heaven he saw the glory of God, and he was shown the lake of fire, many people stood surrounding the lake of Fire and all accused him saying the reason they were going to hell fire was because Daniel refused to preach to them, this caused him to feel condemned and he wept much, from this encounter Daniel knew God was calling him to his work.

The prophetic call

1993 vision

In 1993 in the vision of the night, he saw himself in a room, in this room there were 4 angels and a table with four corners, two angels stood and two angels sat. As he stood there one angel gave him something to eat, after eating his stomach had bitter pain, it took him time to recover from that pain, any time he remembered the vision the pain came. The angel went on to tell him, he ought to prophecy to Nations, peoples and tongues. I felt the anointing come on him very heavily and he felt light as a feather
God has given him a prophetic mandate to prophecy over nations, peoples and tongues, The Apostle Daniel carry a sure word of prophecy from our lord Jesus Christ, blessed are those who will listen.

Apostolic Mantle

1998 Vision

It was in 1998 while in a vision of the night as He lay on bed, He was carried into a thick forest, and He saw beasts of the forest a large demonic Army as His eyes could see coming to war Man Kind. God told Him that demonic army was coming on earth to overthrow any thing Called holy and will corrupt mankind and war against the End Time plan of God. He was then given a large bubble edge sword and was told to engage the enemy in combat; He fought against this demonic looking invisible army, and the sword brought much destruction to the enemy, The Holy Spirit told him, the Sword He was given is the End time Apostolic Authority He has been given me and which God will also be giving to his End time Apostles and servants.

2015 Vision of the End time

In 2015 as He slept on bed in the visions of the night He saw a clear sky written in block letters this words ” END TIME” when He woke up the Spirit of God told him, the blood moon that occurred in 2015 ushered to the body of Christ a three sequence of 7 years starting with Good, then bad and most evil, the good seven years from 2016 are just ending in 2023, to usher in 7 bad years to end in year 2030 and to be followed by the most evil last 7 years when the Antichrist will sign the 7 years pack in 2030 to end in year 2037:

God has empowered his servant your brother Apostle DANIEL on teachings of the end time, God has given him revelation up revelation regarding the end time, and has been sent to wake the church on the end time’s truths.

We have only 7 years to preach, evangelize, plant churches from year 2022 to 2029

Some key testimonies I can remember

Authority over Dogs

I am in a two day fast, I have just come from a convention I am passing on a very dark path there is no electricity, this is the only path to where I am sleeping I have been walking for 1 hour from the convention it is almost 11 pm, Satan sends two fierce dogs they are growling against me, if I don’t use that path, there is no other path home, a thought came to me that I took a stick to defend myself, but I heard the Holy Spirit remind me the weapons of my warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, and He reminded me the name Jesus. I looked at the dogs and I told them, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I bind you and I command you to shut up, it’s like a force took control of the Dogs and they coiled their tails and retreated and I passed, and I bust in tongues with joy

I Cursed a Disco

I was in Busia town many years ago, I was there doing some work, as I passed by 8 pm there was a disco that had captured all youths of the town, I stood and stretched my hand towards the Disco and I said in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I curse you disco and I command you shut. In 2 days’ time a decree was given by the DC to permanently close the disco.

Killed a witch

A women a came to me and said man of God there is a witch bewitching her and her children, I went to her house I anointed the house and the children and I prayed a dangerous payer against the witch in 3 days’ time the women calls me and tells me the witch died

Back to the sender

This lady sells cloths in the city, she told me there is a witch who is battling her who happens to be selling products in the same place, I prayed against the witchcraft activities, moment we finished prayer, the house of this women witch got fire, a gas exploded and was reported on live TV

Anointing oil Testimony

I was in Thika town, I preached and anointed people who were in need, one women after going home immediately she entered, she saw a serpent leaving her house and she came to testify, that was witchcraft power destroyed, the bible says and the anointing shall break every yoke,

Salvation testimony


This lady used to pass my house and bring food stuff like milk as she has a cow, one day she told me to pray for her husband who was a drunk, I joined her in payers and I prayed the prayer of command, it was a Sunday, immediately she reached her compound the husband knelt before her and asked her to pray for him as he want to receive Jesus.


Demons recognize us

In 2018

In 2018 I am passing through Meru Town, I heard a man shout behind me saying, hay you man, always praying, praying, you come and pray for me now, the demons were provoked by my prayers
I am passing on a path, just ahead I see a mad man somehow I am not at ease, then the mad man lifts his hand and says hallow man of God


In 2020

In 2020 I am in the city of Nairobi, I just reached where newspapers are being sold, one man is bending there as reading a new paper headline, I also join there immediately I stand there, the man who was bending stands up very fast and makes 5 steps back and he looks at me straight in the face, the fire was too much that he could not stand



The statement from the Holy Spirit that caused me to weep and grieve

In 2018 the Holy Spirit spoke to me audibly with an authoritative voice saying,
These worlds crushed me, I wept, I sobbed, I grieved, I felt sorrow of heart, the Holy Spirit shared with me the burden He carries for the church, the grieving He does for us, the sorrow we cause Him, how he sobs for us, that experience changed my life. If the Holy Spirit would share with you his burden, his grieving for the church, his sorrow, your perspective about God and his work will change, and your sensitivity towards His will be very sharp.


How He cries for Bishops and pastors

One day I went to pray as I started prayer the Holy Spirit took over my prayers and He begun to sob through me, weeping for bishops and pastors, the burden was too much, the sorrow was unbearable, the petition to God was very strong, ooh God have mercy on your servants give them more time! Open their eyes to see your plan, the bible says Jesus while He was on earth He offered prayers to God with loud cries and tears, this is the Holy Spirit prayer, as it is written we don’t know how to pray as we ought to, but the Holy Spirit himself does intercession through us with groaning and words we can’t utter, this is the dimensions of prayers that changes you as you pray. Some of this prayers you cant pray them where there are carnal brothers, they call them noise.

Some Books written by Apostle Daniel


This is a must read book for
every born again child of
God know what is coming